Sunday, May 30, 2010


Well, I have sit down to blog several times and I just look at the computer screen. So, I think I will tackle a new post via bullets (that seemed to previously work).

* I have finished a semester, grades are not great but adequate to continue in the process - so I will take it.

* Isaiah has one day of kindergarten left - WOW this year has flown by! I am super proud of all he has learned.

* I also had a mommy first today!!! Isaiah had his first "real play date" at our house. We called the other little boy's mom - picked him up - took all three boys to the pool for hours - and successfully return the other little boy in one piece - YES!! Isaiah was thrilled and immediately wanted to progress to a sleep over. One small step for mom and Isaiah is already moving out. His is so extraverted and I am so introverted. I am ready for silence, a bubble bath, and everything to be still. Isaiah is really for a full blown - PARTY!

* Bryan and I enjoyed our vacation, it was short but worth the time away. I have found that it takes me a few days to stop my mind and actually enjoy the vacation. The Biltmore was stunning - nestled in the NC mountains. My favorite part was the house was designed with hospitality in mind - to provide a retreat for people. It stirred all sorts of emotions in me to have my own house again with lots of space. Space that we can freely give to people as they need a place to stay, recover, or just rest. I do not want a fancy house but I do want a BIG house that I can say "just come stay with us - here is a key - come and go as you please." Perhaps to grammies, missionary on home stay or seminary students just trying to make ends meet. Just a refuge for people.

* Bryan and I also kayaked on the river for an afternoon - a splendid time of relaxing, just floating, racing a bit, and splashing each other. Felt nice just to be carefree for a bit. Oh! I would post pictures but we forgot the charger for our camera battery - so no pictures.

* Now we are home, two days until we leave for OK. I am nervous, ready to get it over with, and really not at all sure what to expect! I am not fond of new places, people, or situations - unless I am hosting. So, we will see how it goes - I will let you know!

* Also, decided to take a class this summer - an independent study - so I will have a paper to write over the next 6 weeks.

* And Law Review is in fully gear, I am editing for the general law review potential associate editors. Today is the first deadline so I will have about 30 papers to read and respond to by the end of the week - While I am not looking for to the amount of work, I am looking forward the writing process, I like to see how the topics develop and what the finished papers will look like.

* As a final note - Luker will turn three in a few days! We are going to try and celebrate with a good Texas birthday once we get closer to the great state.

Well, I think that it the updates so far. We will post pictures of our temporary home in Lawton once we get there.

1 comment:

Emily Suzanne said...

Wow, Men! Busy, but I KNOW that you'll do great at all of it, even meeting new people, I have no doubt~!